Professional Development

OSE Mass PLC for Leaders & Coaches

Register for this event by December 2nd.

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The One8 Foundation media release authorization form can be viewed here.

Leader & Coach PLC: Strengthening OSE Routines in the Classroom

  • Dive deep into what an OSE classroom should like
  • Spend time exploring 4 routines: Navigating, Investigating, Putting the Pieces Together & Problematizing
  • Explore how school teams can work on these routines given various amounts of district planning time, various contexts
  • Have time to workshop and apply the learnings to your context with peers

Dates (registering signs you up to attend this 3-part series)

  • December 3rd (3:00-4:00)
  • December 10th (3:00-4:00)
  • December 17th (3:00-4:00)

Register today!