SY21-22 OSE Implementation Planning Survey

Thank you for sharing an update on your plans for implementing OpenSciEd in SY21-22! Information about your planned scope and sequence helps us ensure we are providing relevant supports. Your plans may change as you approach implementation, but please answer the questions based on your current plans.

Each school team need only submit one form (i.e., multiple team members do not each need to submit a form). District leaders, you may submit one form on behalf of all schools implementing OSE in your district.

Please complete the following survey in one sitting. You not be able to save the form and return to come back to it. You will be asked to provide the following information about planned OpenSciEd implementation for SY21-22: the grade levels at which your school(s) will implement OSE; the units you are planning on implementing at each grade level, and; the estimated month you will start each unit. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected].

Start typing to search the list
Please enter the names of the schools implementing OSE in your district.
Note, you will only be asked to provide implementation information once, for all the schools implementing OSE in your district. 

Start typing the school name to search list.

Start typing the school name to search list.

At which of the following grade levels will your school(s) implement OSE in SY21-22?
Yes - will implement OSE No - will not implement OSE

What is your level of confidence that you will implement the following units in SY21-22? 
High - definitely implementing Medium - likely implementing Low - might implement N/A - not implementing

What month of SY21-22 do you anticipate starting each unit?
Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Please provide any additional context to your current implementation plans, including any adjustments to the scope and sequence or more information about your level of certainty about the units you will be offering.