As part of this 10-hour experience, students will follow the engineering design process to design and build a device to collect microplastics, including microfibers, from a body of water. Students will work in teams and build transportable skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication as they work together to solve the problems.
Project Materials
- The Teacher Guide provides comprehensive teacher preparation, step-by-step implementation instructions, and extensive teacher resources that can be adapted to fit many classrooms.
- The Presentation contains slides designed to supplement project facilitation.
- This resource contains printable items needed to implement the project.
- Student Packet A Student Packet should be printed or shared for each student. Students will use their packets througout the project to record their thinking as they work toward a solution.
- Hands-On Materials If you missed our Priority Registration and did not request materials to be shipped to your school, here is a link to purchase the materials on Amazon. A class set is ~$11.
- Introduction Video This short video will introduce you to the culminating problem your students will be solving during their project!
- APB Approach This resource provides an overview of the Activity-, Project-, Problem-Based Approach that is used throughout the project. You are encouraged to watch this video if you are unfamiliar with, or need a refresher on the APB Approach to facilitation.
- APB Map Overview The APB Map provides a topical overview of the activities, project, and problem students will encounter throughout their STEM Week Challenge.
- Planning Guide The planning guide provides a checklist of considerations, materials, and equipment, as well as tips and tricks for you to review prior to beginning the project with your class.
Want to learn more about PLTW?
Contact Suzie Snow ([email protected]) or Lily Ornelas ([email protected]) for more information.

Visit the Student Industry Connects for STEM Week website for more information.