Personalized, professional insights on students' Applied Learning artifacts
How it works
1. Check out the list of eligible projects here!
Expert educators have carefully selected DKP, Investigating History, OpenSciEd, Project Lead The Way and ST Math work samples that yield the most impactful feedback from professionals. All current One8 schools with these programs are invited to participate.
2. Upload projects using the online submission form between January 13 and February 7, 2025
Submitting a project only takes 5 minutes! High school students can submit their work independently; 4th-8th grade teachers can submit up to 2 projects per class.
3. Receive real-world feedback & connect with professionals!
All student teams who submit work will receive personalized, written feedback from professionals.
Why submit student work?
Students take even more pride in their work when they share it with industry.
Student-Industry Connects provides an easy way for your students to show off their hard work to an authentic audience! These connections help make coursework more motivating, engaging, and meaningful.
Industry professionals reinforce what you tell your students every day.
You teach your students about the big and the little things that matter in delivering a quality Applied Learning project – from providing context and labeling drawings to commenting on code. See those lessons reinforced with authentic feedback from a professional – delivered in a way that helps students see how applying what they learn actually makes a difference in the world.
Past Student Submission Examples
Why submit student work for real-world feedback?
Students find professional feedback meaningful, motivating, and validating. But don’t take it from us.
Hear directly from students about their experiences receiving real-world feedback from professionals.
This is the type of feedback and experience I want for my students but have little bandwidth to coordinate myself. It makes a big difference."
Meet our Industry Volunteers
Professionals from innovative local companies are excited to review student work and visit your classrooms! Meet just a few of them in the short videos linked below.
Thank you to our partners for powering Student Industry Connects:
Industry Professionals:
Want to share your expertise and experiences with students? Look no further.