Professional Development

August Refreshers 2024

Register for this event by June 28th.

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Click here to view the full list of course-specific workshops being offered and their hands-on content focus.  Please note: workshops will only run if enough educators register.  You will be contacted in late June if a workshop has been cancelled.

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The One8 Foundation media release authorization form can be viewed here.

August Refreshers are two days of in-person, content-driven workshops that help attendees develop the knowledge, skills, and mindsets needed to implement the PLTW curriculum. On both days of August Refreshers, around 5-10 workshops will run simultaneously, each focusing on a different topic. PLTW Master Teachers, who are deeply familiar with the content and any anticipated changes to the curriculum, lead most workshops. Other content experts and industry professionals lead the remaining workshops. Each workshop lasts a whole day, and attendees may choose to attend one workshop on either or both days.

Click here to view the full list of course-specific workshops being offered and their hands-on content focus.