Project Lead The Way


  • Applied learning: Hands on, relevant and compelling; students solve real world problems deploying the skills and tools professionals use.

  • K-12 pathways: Vertically aligned courses that are tied to standards to provide students sustained and meaningful STEM learning experiences.

  • Effective teacher training: Powerful, relevant professional training that allows teachers to experience the applied learning approach by being hands on learners themselves.

  • Backed by evidence: In 25+ studies PLTW is linked with increases in math and science achievement, college-going rates, and interest in STEM subjects.

Mass Learning Project

MLP supports PLTW implementation in Massachusetts.

Mass Learning Project seeks to increase K-12 student access to high quality applied learning through curriculum adoption and implementation support empowering educators to center student thinking on complex, real-world problems.

Hear teachers’ and students’ feedback on PLTW

One8 Foundation School Grants

Interested in bringing PLTW to your school? Learn more about Grants from the One8 Foundation.

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Educator Resources

One8 Applied Learning Hub works with educators to provide professional development, student opportunities, industry opportunities and more.

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One8 Applied Learning Hub Programming

Why students showcasing their work matters

Feeling their school work is important and relevant and having an adult validate and foster their efforts are critical components to positive student engagement.1

One8 Applied Learning Hub creates in-person and virtual opportunities for students to receive genuine feedback on their projects from industry professionals. These experiences amplify learning and have students see why what they are learning in school will be relevant to their futures.

Students in PLTW’s middle school Design & Modeling course learn about the engineering design process and about cerebral palsy. Students prototype an adaptive toy for children with the disease, and have the chance to present to Boston Children’s Hospital doctors specializing in cerebral palsy at One8 Applied Learning Hub’s Design Showcase.

1. Gallup Survey 2016 “How to Keep Kids Excited About Schools,” Valerie Calderon

We're in the classroom and yes we have to use the design process there - but hearing people that are in the real world and doing it every day... it's so incredible that we get to talk to them about it - and see that they do it too.

12th grade student
One8 Applied Learning Hub High School Showcase

By the Numbers: Project Lead The Way in Massachusetts

  • ~85,000


  • 351


  • 162


  • 70%

    Students enjoy and value PLTW courses

    70% of students agree what they learn in PLTW classes is important and will help them in future courses.

  • 66%

    Teachers are happier teaching PLTW

    66% of teachers report increased satisfaction with teaching following their experience with PLTW courses.

  • PLTW improves student achievement

    Participating in PLTW coursework is associated with increases in student MCAS scores, especially in science and especially in high school.

  • PLTW is for all students

    The benefits of taking PLTW courses are as large for students with disabilities and students who are disadvantaged as for other students.

Results based on first year results of a six-year longitudinal study of the impact of scaling PLTW in Massachusetts. Read the full research report here.

Data on this webpage updated as of August, 2022