Resources for OpenSciEd Educators

  • A commitment to learn alongside students:

    OSE is a big change from “business as usual” and will require teachers to learn and grow just as their students do as they test new cutting edge approaches to science instruction.

  • An investment in professional learning:

    Professional learning is critical to ensuring educators understand the curriculum’s pedagogical shifts and feel well equipped to implement.

  • Embracing discourse in the classroom:

    OSE units are centered on an anchoring phenomenon designed to elicit and feed student curiosity. Units are driven forward by students’ ideas, questions and classroom discussion.

  • Collaboration with other educators:

    Getting started with OSE can be daunting. Resources we offer, such as coaching and networking with other Massachusetts OSE educators, can help teachers feel confident to hit the ground running.

Professional learning for teachers

OpenSciEd’s unit-specific PD is critical to effectively implementing this cutting-edge curriculum. OSE is effective because it is not just a new curriculum; it is a new philosophy. The PD ensures that teachers have the understanding and skills they need to incorporate the philosophical changes necessary to help students reach sensemaking.

We are excited to partner with NSTA to offer training specifically for MA grant program educators starting in Summer 2024.

Sessions & Dates

July PD in Norwood, MA

  • July 16-19, Round 1 ($700/seat): 6.1 – Light & Matter (MA 6.1), 8.1 – Contact Forces (MA 7.1), 7.1 – Chemical Reactions & Matter (MA 8.1)
  • July 16-17, Round 3 ($500/seat): 8.3 – Forces at a Distance (MA 6.3), 7.5 – Ecosystem Dynamics (MA 7.4), 7.3 – Metabolic Reactions (MA 8.3)
  • July 16-19, Facilitator training: Part of Cohort 1 grant application. Applications will be due April 23rd. Please reach out to Micah Joselow ( if you would like to apply.

August PD in Norwood, MA

  • August 19-22, Round 1 ($700/seat): 6.1 – Light & Matter (MA 6.1), 8.1 – Contact Forces (MA 7.1), 7.1 – Chemical Reactions & Matter (MA 8.1)
  • August 19-20, Round 5 ($500/seat): 6.4 – Plate Tectonics (MA 6.5) [FULL – access waitlist HERE], 6.5 – Natural Hazards (MA 7.6),8.5 – Genetics (MA 8.4)
  • Note: Hotel rooms will be more limited in August given nearby events, rooms will be granted on a first come, first served basis

September PD in Amherst, MA

  • September 9-12, Round 1 ($700/seat): 6.1 – Light & Matter (MA 6.1), 8.1 – Contact Forces (MA 7.1), 7.1 – Chemical Reactions & Matter (MA 8.1)
  • September 9-10, Round 3 ($500/seat): 8.3 – Forces at a Distance (MA 6.3), 7.5 – Ecosystem Dynamics (MA 7.4), 7.3 – Metabolic Reactions (MA 8.3)

Registration Details

To register, please go to

Please reach out to Jessica Eaton ( with any questions specific to the registration process.

Program resources

Student Opportunities

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