Professional Development
One8 Applied Learning Grant Convening
The registration deadline for this event has passed.
The One8 Foundation and its program Mass STEM Hub, in partnership with Project Lead The Way, ST Math, and the OEI team at Boston College who support OSE in MA, are excited to welcome a new cohort of applied learning grant recipients, as well as returning cohorts with newer leadership teams! Attendees will:
- Participate in breakout sessions led by partners and educators from OpenSciEd, PLTW, and ST Math.
- Get a jump on program onboarding and develop a clear plan for spring and summer, so they can hit the ground running in the fall.
- Connect with a community of educators implementing exciting applied learning programs across the Commonwealth.
We look forward to seeing you at the DCU Center in Worcester!
Registration Overview:
- Register or pre-register by April 14th (see details below)
- All grant champions listed in grant applications are invited
- Each grant requires that the building principal attend
Details by Program (note: the requirements below are for NEW grantees receiving a grant in school year 2023-24)
Project Lead the Way:
- Required attendees (2+): At least two grant champions (including the district champion) and the building principal
- Registration: All required attendees must register by April 7th
ST Math:
- Required attendees (3+): ST Math school champion, building principal, and district champion
- Registration: Grant applicants must pre-register all required participants by April 7th. Final registration is contingent upon receiving a grant from the One8 Foundation
- Required Attendees (3+): All champions (teachers (one per grade), school, and district) and building leader
- Registration: Grant applicants must pre-register all required participants by April 7th. Final registration is contingent upon receiving a grant from the One8 Foundation