Student Work | Mass STEM Hub
Middle School | CSIM | Project: Blinking Sign
February 19, 2021
Check out the student work submitted for real-world industry feedback! Learn more about submitting student work to receive real-world feedback here!
Grade: Middle School
Submission type: Project – Blinking Sign
Project overview: In the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Computer Science for Innovators and Makers unit, middle school students learn about programming both hardware and software, and how to combine them to create interactive systems. After learning to program a micro:bit, for the Blinkinh Sign project, students apply that knowledge to design and program an animated LED sign using letters, symbols, and images to share a message of their choosing.
Student submission:

Published Project Web Address: https://makecode.microbit.org/25301-15677-80027-17996
Select judge feedback:
“Hi! My name is Dan, I work at SunPower where I develop and design solar energy projects. I thought your sign was excellent! I especially loved how it is triggered by the temperature, which you can change on the simulator and see how it works to start the message. Not only is that a complicated and creative design, the sign has real-world application as a safety message for drivers in the winter, and even displays the temperature! Very impressive. One thing you might want to think about is what happens when the temperature is less than -4 degrees C. Will it still work? Will the sign state the correct temperature? Also, since we use Fahrenheit temperature scale in the US, I would recommend using that instead of Celsius, since it would be easier for most people to understand. Your thought process on this project was excellent – I commend you and wish you luck in our continued STEM education!”
– Solar Project Developer, Sun Power Corporation
“Hello, everyone! My name is Chimadika “Chim” Okoye. Massachusetts and potentially car companies could use your design. Your workbook was crystal clear – clear documentation like this is super important as it helps to collaborate with others on your work. Great job! One idea for potentially growth would be to consider adding some sound effects. What effects might help grab people’s attention to the sign’s message? I used to create and sell safety equipment to the government. You are more skilled than I was at your age, and whether it is design work you should keep creating things that help solve problems.”
– Head of Development, PurpleHouseKids
Award: User Experience Award
School: Sandwich STEM Academy
Teacher: Beth Donahue